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Satan Runs the World

What I thought...

I was always told "God's in control!" To say otherwise proves my lack of faith, whatever that means.

What I learned...

The bible clearly says Satan is the RULER of this world.


In a weird way, knowing the true state of the world is what led me to YHWH, our Creator. Only when I realized Satan is real and has real people who really worship him, did I know for certain YHWH IS ALSO REAL. Further, when you know Satan IS real, the pervasive destruction and chaos of this world becomes more understandable - but no less disturbing.​

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy”

JOHN 10:10

Satan is unfortunately behind the unseen hand that controls our world. There are a small number (13 to be exact) families that pledge their allegiance to Satan. Through these families, Satan easily controls basically everything. They are not our political leaders, or rich tycoons we hear about in the news. The presidents and kings are mere puppets for those really in control.


If you don’t believe me, I will encourage you to reflect on the events in 2020. For anyone experiencing amnesia, this is when the whole world was suddenly “shut down” without so much as a hearing or a vote. How did that happen? Who was behind it? Not even the president of the United States could stop them. This was the first time (to my knowledge) the curtain was pulled back. Proof that the visible power structure was not really in control.  

More on what I learned...

Five years ago, I would have thought someone making the claims about Satan running the world should be locked up. Medicated at a minimum. Regardless of our thoughts on the matter, from the bible alone we come to this conclusion that Satan runs the world. Please allow me to demonstrate.


  1. From the bible we know Satan is here, as in on earth

  2. From the bible we know Satan is the ruler of earth


Let’s look at each point in more detail.



The first book of the bible, Genesis, confirms Satan was in the garden with Eve. We know how that ended. Since the very beginning, Satan has been deceiving humanity to transgress the laws of the Most High. Let’s look at more examples confirming Satan is in fact among us.

And He (Messiah Yahusha) said to them,

"I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.”

LUKE 10:18

And the great dragon was thrown down,

the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan,

who deceives the whole world;

he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.


Messiah tells us He watched Satan fall from heaven to earth. We get a little more information on the angels who were thrown down in the book of Revelation.

Satan is thrown out of heaven and cast down to earth. He’s here permanently because he is no longer allowed in heaven, we’re told:

“..there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.”

Revelation 12:7

The “them” referred to in Revelation 12:7 are Satan and the other angels who rebelled. The angels who fell or were thrown from heaven – “fallen angels.” Last one.

"For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them.

Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you,

having great wrath, knowing that he has [only] a short time."


Bad news getting worse. The Most High gave the devil authority over earth.  I suspect the transfer occurred when Adam and Eve chose to obey Satan’s over our Creator when they ate the forbidden fruit. Every time we transgress YHWH's law, we are re-enacting the scene in the garden. Back to Satan’s authority. I realize the idea of Yahuah giving Satan authority is a hard one to accept. Regardless, the scriptures are pretty clear on this point.  I can’t imagine why this truth is not preached more often? I jest.


Messiah Himself confirms Satan is the RULER OF THIS WORLD in at least 3 separate verses.


"Now judgment is upon this world;

now the ruler of this world will be cast out.”

JOHN 12:31

"I will not speak much more with you,

for the ruler of the world is coming,

and he has nothing in Me;”

JOHN 14:30

“…the ruler of this world has been judged.”

JOHN 16:11

I considered that maybe Satan’s authority changed after the Messiah died, but concluded no. The Apostle John confirms Satan’s authority. John wrote this epistle AFTER Messiah was killed.

We know that we are of Elohim (God),

and that the whole world lies in [the power of] the evil one.

1 JOHN 5:19

The evil one John is referring to is of course, Satan. If you’re still skeptical, I will bring one last verse confirming, even after Messiah’s death, Satan is the ruler of this world. In the book of Revelation, Messiah speaks to the Apostle John through an angel. Before giving John incredible “revelation” on how the world is going to end, Messiah gives John a message for each of the seven churches formed in Asia. These churches were formed AFTER Messiah died through the Apostles. For our purposes, we are interested in what Messiah had to say to the church of Pergamum:

“I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is”


Messiah confirms Satan’s throne is on earth even after He died. Yikes. Double yikes.


The bible clearly tells us Satan is here. The bible clearly tells us Satan is the ruler of this world. Messiah said Satan’s throne is here for crying out loud. Hopefully you can accept this reality based on the bible. I could not accept this truth without learning some very disturbing stuff (see "Evisl & Deceoptions tab). I wanted to believe in our medical system, our education system, our government officials, our religious system, all of the “systems.” I wanted to believe that people and institutions that run this world are basically good.


I wanted believe in the “goodness of the world” not BECAUSE of what the bible says, but DESPITE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. Why would a world under the rule of Satan be good? Makes no sense, yet that is what I thought. Please believe the bible. Please know that Satan is in control of this world, for now anyway. Please know that his intensions chaos, death, and destruction. Please know that he is evil beyond all human comprehension and gets people to follow him through DECEPTION. Please trust the bible. Humanity cannot “love” or “truth” its way out of what is coming. All we can do is increase our reliance on our Creator, become obedient, and get out of the way.  

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves;

so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.


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