Please know that should you decide to forgo church attendance in favor of Sabbath observance, you may be met with hostility and resistance. When I first considered we may need to obey the ten commandments (including rest on the 7th day), NEVER did I expect how my fellow "believers" would respond. Honestly, I would have been less surprised if my pinkie just fell off. I'm not even joking. For moral support, I'll tell you a little about what happened to me so you know you're not alone.
I could not stop thinking about Sabbath, it's in the 10 Commandments for crying out loud. I started to ask other believers and followers. In nanoseconds, well-meaning people sent me articles and sermons that concluded Sabbath was no longer a part of the "new" covenant. I would read and listen and feel even more confused than when I started. There was a lot of what I have now come to call "biblical gymnastics." It seemed to me, they would take a few scriptures that were grey at best, add them together to get a definitive no on sabbath, when there was nothing definitive about it? I was looking for something in the way of, "Thus said YHWH, You no longer need to observe a Sabbath rest." Of course, that scripture does not exist.
During this process I got some very strange conversations. To be honest, these conversations often left me bewildered. Were we actually reading the same bible? Had I landed in bizarro world? I'll illustrate through a fake conversion where I combine a lot of actual conversations....
Me: Sabbath is the 4th Commandment. These Commandments are in the Ark of the Covenant, meaning the commandments are the terms of the agreement. What am I missing?
Person Responding: We're not under the law. That's over. We're under the "New Covenant," it's not about obedience, it's about grace. As in the "new covenant of grace."
Me: They are also called the Ark of Testimony because the Ten Commandments are the written testimony of the Creator Himself. Why would His testimony become obsolete?
Person responding: It's not about "that" anymore. You don't get "it."
Me: But they're how our Creator decided to describe Himself, using 10 laws. He wrote them with HIS OWN FINGER , shouldn't we at least obey them? That seems logical.
Person Responding: We're all sinners, and you think you're not? I couldn't go a day without breaking the Ten Commandments! You know you're a sinner right? Paul said all have fallen short of the glory of God ya know.
Me: I know I am a sinner.... but it seems we should try and obey. What if it's not that complicated, what if He just meant what He said? What if we just obey and keep it simple.
Person Responding: That makes no sense.
The more conversations I had, the more confused I became. I was confronted with anger, accusations, circular logic, inconsistent arguments, and beliefs based on ideas I could not for the life of me find in scripture. I would leave the conversations dizzy with confusion; I enjoyed them zero. I was soon labeled a LEGALIST. I have now come to the conclusion that being a LEGALIST is sort of like being an ANTIVAXXER or CONSPIRACY THEORIST. A taboo name someone calls you to make you feel stupid beyond belief and gives the name caller the MORAL authority to dismiss what you are saying without so much as a second thought.
I wasn't sure what to do, but I decided to error on the side of caution. I would be obedient. How could that be wrong? I can't help but wonder if obedience comes before understanding? I wasn't sure at all that I actually needed to rest, but just in case, rest I did. At the same time, I formed a plan. I would try to learn as much as I could about Sabbath, while obeying. I hit another nerve. Study by yourself? YOU MUST NOT I was told. People warned of the impending doom and error I would incur should I decide to READ MY BIBLE? I've studied ALONE my whole life, why should studying the bible be any different?
I have no idea how long I have spent studying Sabbath. Pouring over scriptures, watching youtubes, reading books, I could not make heads or tails of why we don't just obey. Meanwhile, my circle got smaller. I tried to talk to people close to me, some were interested, and some moved further away. I stopped caring what people thought about me and started caring about seeking the Truth. I don't think I have everything about Sabbath figured out, far from it. I have come to the conclusion that I will observe Sabbath, but we all must come to our own conclusions.
Today my circle is small, but those I have I treasure. I am not interested in being "right" I am only interested in knowing the TRUTH whatever that may be. I praise YHWH that I have people in my life now that encourage in this pursuit. I have people I can really talk to and who are diligently working with me to uncover and learn the TRUTH. I am grateful beyond measure. I'm not ashamed to admit, it's been a bumpy ride. This journey has cost me people in my family and close friends. I praise YHWH for the friends/family I have and especially for my husband who supports me to do this work. Or whatever "this" is.
If I'm being honest, I hope I'm wrong about almost everything I write about. I sincerely do. I can assure I am not winning popularity contests and being a hack truth seeker doesn't pay. I have no dog in this race except to know the truth and live in a way that is pleasing to the Most High.
In the end, I know I will give an account for my decision to leave organized religion. Opting for Sabbath over Sunday church, I'm ok with that reality. You see, I didn't come to this decision lightly. The foundation for my decision is built on rock, quite literally. The Sabbath Commandment was written in stone by the finger of YHWH (Exo 31:18, 32:16, 34:1; Deuteronomy 9:10). I trusted and obeyed His voice. I am at peace.
The Creator told us to rest on the seventh day to honor Him. The world tells you to go to church on Sunday (the first day) to honor Him.
Ultimately YOU have to decide, WHOSE VOICE SHOULD I OBEY?