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My "Evolution" on "Evolution"

When I first started researching creation, I didn't actually think it could be true. Of course, evolution is true, I learned it in school. Right? Well, before long I started to realize that evolution is actually a straw man with very little, if any, actual observable or replicable proof. The theory of evolution is sort of like believing by putting cows, sheet metal, rubber and some plastic in a garage, and wait long enough... you'll get a Porche.

There are many problems with the theory of evolution, I'll let the videos explain them. I can't do the topic justice. However, I will make a couple points that only dawned on me after my eyes were OPENED. If life is so easy to create, how come we haven't we been able to create anything that even remotely resembles life? Have we ever created a seed? No. There are 100 trillion cells in the human body, surely we can create ONE? Nope on that front too. Despite all of our efforts, no human has ever created anything living from non-living materials.

I think it's so interesting that in the creation account, our Creator made sure to note the earth's vegetation were all formed "yielding seeds" (Genesis 1:11). Everything He creates can self-replicate. Nothing we create self-replicates. Nothing. Do our buildings birth little buildings that grow up to even bigger buildings? Do our children's toys have the ability to make little toys. Do computers build baby computers? The idea is absurd. Think about what HE creates verses what WE create. What He creates dies and is reborn. What we create decays and crumbles.

I'm not saying you should believe in creation, but if you research, you may find believing in evolution requires just as much faith. I would actually argue more faith because there is nothing that can be replicated or observed today. Think about it, is there ONE example of an animal, or bug, or anything alive transitioning species? One half bird-snake? Ape-person? Bug-mouse? Anything? Why did evolution just stop? Why can't we find even ONE example of a transitioning species in the "fossil record"? Ah.. the great missing link. You can't find any because there aren't any.

Another thing that shocked me: I thought evolution verses creation was an "evidence" game. Like if there was a discovery that refuted evolution, the scientific community would naturally change course. That is not the case either. Both sides are looking at the SAME evidence but have entirely different interpretations of that evidence. If you've ruled out the idea of a Creator, you will come up with almost any explanation besides Him. For example, some evolutionists believe the first forms of life were brought by aliens. They'd sooner accept an "alien" origin of life then the reality of an intelligent Creator.

The question becomes, why are we so easily deceived? There are MANY extremely smart people who whole heartedly believe in evolution. How could they be wrong? I believe evolution is an idea many are much more comfortable with. Why? If you were created by a Creator, then you may be accountable. If you're accountable, you may be subject to His rules. If you are subject to His rules, you might be in trouble. Further, if you were Created by someone, they have the authority to tell you how to live your life. People don't like that. They want to be their own "gods" determining what is good and evil themselves.

The last point I'll mention. I believe holding an evolutionary view (as I once did) has devasting effects on the authority of our Creator and to the infallibility of His Word. The seat of His authority is precisely that He is your Creator. Once you've given credit for creation to "nature," you've taken away His authority over your life. You have de-throned or de-fanged Him. What does it matter if there is a supreme being who passively sits by as "nature takes its course." Secondly, if you don't believe the first 2 chapters of the bible, why would you believe any of it? As soon as I get you to believe the biblical account of creation is just a story, getting you to believe the rest of the bible is a story comes much more easily. It's the first chink in getting you to accept the bible is a group of fairy tales and poetry.

Yahuah willing I will write more on this topic.


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