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Bible's with the
Creator's Name Restored

Name Restored?

Mainstream bibles have removed the name of the Creator and replaced His name with titles. If that sounds like a "conspiracy theory," I encourage you to check the translation notes or preface of your bible. This FACT is not hidden, the translators readily admit they've done so. The Creator has a proper name, YHWH. The Messiah of the New Testament has a Hebrew name which contains His Father's name, YAHusha. Think of the Son's name as a contraction, meaning YAH is salvation. 

LORD vs Lord?

The Father's name was all together removed and replaced with "the LORD." Tricky thing is Messiah is also referred to as "the Lord" despite having the proper name "Jesus."  The distinction, which I did not pick up on, is our Creator's is usually in all CAPS while Messiah is only the "L" capitalized. Our Creator gets a title for a name, the Son gets a name (albeit not His Hebrew/birth name) but is also referred to using the same title. Oh and for added confusion we use the title "lord" even today to refer to British landowners and aristocracy. Makes perfect sense right? Anyway, the name topic is pretty deep and not the point of this page. 

My Recommendation

For what its worth, I recommend having at least one copy of a bible with His name restored.


KJV: I don't love the KJV because they don't capitalize the pronouns referring to YHWH or Yahusha or use quotation marks. The combination makes this version hard for me to understand who is doing the talking, but the app is free so there's that.

The Scriptures: Cheap and on Amazon. I love this bible.

The Cepher: I love this bible, it includes all the books from the original KJV and more, 87 in all but it's expensive.

Halleluyah bible (purple one): This is a great bible too but not the easiest to get. If you are low on funds, they will send you one for free. 

RESTORED King James Version:  The Father's name has been rightfully restored to "YHWH," HIs proper name. "God" replaced with  "Elohim," which means mighty one in Hebrew. The name of the Son is also restored: from Jesus to "Yahushua." 

The Scriptures:  Restores the name of Father and Son using modern Hebrew letters.  The name or description of "Christ" restored to "Messiah."

The Scriptures.PNG

The CEPHER:  The Father's and Son's name have been restored Father (Yahuah), Son (Yahusha) and Holy Spirit (Ruach HaQodesh). The Cepher is a collection 87 sacred books (81 canonized in 1611 as the KJV Holy Bible and 6 more considered to be inspired and/or historically significant).

The Cepher Bible.PNG

Halleluyah Scriptures:  The Father's and Son's name have been restored to the ancient Hebrew letters as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. "Christ" has been replaced with "ha'Mashiach" meaning "Messiah." This ministry provides free bibles to those who cannot pay, but asks that you donate if you are able.

Halleluyah Scriptures.PNG

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