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Bill Gates

This man is about as evil as they come. Still not one of the true controllers but a puppet to do the dirty work of those behind the scene. I'm not going to take time to write about this vile man, but I will point you to resources where you can learn about him yourself. Take comfort that these people will be dealt with by the Most High.

'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution,

In due time their foot will slip;

For the day of their calamity is near,

And the impending things are hastening upon them.'


The Fall of the Cabal & Sequal to Fall of the Cabal

The Fall of the Cabal is a documentary series by researcher Janet Ossebaard and with ten episodes. A second series called "The Sequal to the Fall of the Cabal" was made and has twenty-four episodes. I will include only the most relevant episodes to this topic. The research is compelling, but I unfortunately do not agree with the conclusions. I don't think the world will get better, rather worse. I am not negative, I believe our Messiah.

"For then there will be a great tribulation,

such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.

Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved;

but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.

MATTHEW 24:21-22

However, disagreeing with the conclusions does not discredit the research. As always, please research everything yourself and come to your own conclusions.

The Gates Foundation - Vaccination Scandals (34 mins)
Part 8 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 8 Intro:  The previous episode led us - finally - to the sticky and deadly spiderweb of the Cabal. This is the home of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet. This is where the Protocols of Zion, Agenda 21 and 2030 are rolled out in practice. Would you like to see the Cabal at work, using one of their most favorite tools? Then sit back and enjoy part 8!

Bill Gates - Jab the Chicken & Everything -
Genetic Modification for Life (29 mins)

Part 9 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 9 Intro:  From Bill Gates as the savior of humanity and planet Earth, to his stranger and more covert activities, his obsession with genetically modifying just about everything he can lay his hands on, plus his ties with the US Army and his interests in biological warfare.  Let's have a look at some of Gates' activities that you might not have heard of in the news...

Bill Gates Buys Everything for Evil Reasons (27 mins)
Part 10 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 10 Intro:  More on Bill Gates....We are far from done with the King of Charity! Join us in a search for his financial interest, some of his major investments, his connections to some of the most curious companies. From his interest in children to his stays on Epstein Island. From his vaccine fetish to Adrenochrome. Let's go further down the Rabbit hole....

Bill Gates Follow the Money (28 mins)
Part 11 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 11 Intro:  By following the money trails of Bill Gates, we discovered not only where his tentacles of power are spread in all of society, but also where his money does NOT go to.... It made us wonder what philanthropy is all about....

Bill Gates DARPA & Transhumanism (26 mins)
Part 12 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 12 Intro:  Everything we have seen in the previous episodes is child's play compared to what we are about to share with you. An Apocalyptic tool, so powerful, it could mean the end of humanity as a free and sovereign species. Hold on to your seats, as we go further down the rabbit hole.

Bill Gates Biggest Eve Fraudster Ever (27 mins)
Part 13 - Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal 

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Part 13 Intro:  We promised we would not mention his name again. But we decided there is more we wish to share with you. Some things simply cannot be left out, as you will understand in the next 26 minutes. Bill Gates; final days as self=proclaimed President of the Entire World are numbered. Let's watch his last evil tricks and see where total Exposure leads to.

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